Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Alphabet Handprint Art

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It's the post you've all been waiting for.....the WHOLE alphabet!  Here you go!
Like I mentioned before, there are some letters that you have a ton of options, so I thought I'd list a few other options I cane up with for the letters!  I'd love to see your handprint art!

A - Apple, Acorn, Aligator, Alpaca, Angel, Antelope, Ax
B - Bird, Bat, Balloon(s), Baboon, Baseball, Basketball, Bee, Boat, Broccoli, Butterfly
C - Crab, Cat, Cabin, Car, Camel, Camera, Castle, Caterpillar, Cow
D - Dinosaur, Dog, Deer, Dandelion, Donkey, Dragon, Duck, Drum
E - Elephant, Eagle, Earth, Eggplant, Elk, Evergreen, Eye
F - Fish, Fire, Face, Fireworks, Flamingo, Ferret, Fox, Frog, Fries
G - Giraffe, Gorilla, Ghost, Goose, Guitar, Gerbil 
H - Heart, Hamburger, Hat, Hamster, Helicopter, Hippo, Horse
I - Ice cream, Igloo, Iguana, Impala
J - Jelly fish, Jack-O-Lantern, Jaguar, Jester
K - Kite, Kangaroo, Key, King
L - Lion, Ladybug, Lamp, Leaf, Leopard, Leprechaun, Lightbulb, Llama, Lizard, Lobster
M - Mouse, Monkey, Mermaid, Monster, Moose, Money
N - Nest, Nose, Newt
O - Octopus, Orangutan, Ogre, Ox, Ostrich, Owl, Ox 
P - Peacock, Painting, Panda, Palm Tree, Penguin, Pig, Pineapple, Pine tree, Pumpkin
Q - Queen, Quail
R - Rose, Raccoon, Ring, Rooster, Rino, Rocking horse, Rocket
S - Spider, Sailboat, Starfish, Seaweed, Ship, Shoe, Skirt, Skunk, Soccer ball, Strawberry
T - Tree, Teapot, Tent, Tiger, Turtle, Tongue, Turkey, Taco
U - Umbrella, Unicorn
V - Vampire, Volcano, Van, Violin, Vulture
W - Whale, Wagon, Walrus, Watermelon, Windmill, Wolf, Wolverine, Woolly mammoth 
X - Xylophone, X-ray
Y - Yak, Yacht, Yarn
Z - Zebra, Zucchini, Zoo


Anonymous said... # 1

Wow!! This is amazing! I'm going to link it to my blog! Cheers!
Teacher Brain

Precious Kids Great Parents said... # 2

ABSOLUTELY Love this site and the handprint letters. Great job XXXX

BLAST said... # 3

Many thanks for this post, such a great idea we had to borrow it.

Kylie said... # 4

these are amazing ideas; perfect for little gifts for grandparents, aunties ect said... # 5

amazing !!! just Love it !!!

Ink Monkey Magazine said... # 6

Q is for quilt. Four handprints could make a quilt square.

Surekha Rao said... # 7

Great ideas! Love this post!

becca said... # 8

Loove this! Cute way to display kiddos handprints in a way I may want to preserve (you could bind in a boom or use to decorate playroom if done on cardstock.) I am thinking about pre-printing template on computer with the letters in bold for extra reinforcement of letters too.

Sindhumathi said... # 9

Wow... love your idea!! Gonna this try for my LO