About Me

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First and foremost, I'm a mother of two ridiculously adorable children.  My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and boy does she keep me on my toes!  My son is 8 months old and is such a little sweetheart.  My husband and I have been married for nearly 5 years.  He is 6'6" and I'm 5'4" so needless to say, there is quite the height difference between us.  I don't even come to his shoulders ha.  We're a bit goofy looking together and I love it!

I graduated from BYU in elementary education.  Currently, I'm a stay at home mom, but I do plan on using my degree once all of my kids are in school.  I'm also a photographer.  I've been taking pictures since I was 12, but photography was a part of my life long before that.  In 2008 I started my own photography business Madelyn Wayment Photography.  It's been a great side job to do as a mom and I feel blessed to get to do something I love on a regular basis.

One complaint I hear all the time from people is that they hate reading blogs because it makes the blogger seem like a perfect mom, with perfect kids and they all live in a perfect home.  Well, let me tell you....I am NOT a perfect mom or wife.  My apartment is usually messy, dinner doesn't always make it to the table on time - or at all and there are plenty of times a day that I just don't know the best way to parent my daughter....man, these terrible two's can be rough!  But, I can tell you, that I love being a wife and mother and am striving to be better in both of those roles.

1 comment:

Unknown said... # 1

Beautifully said. You are awesome. So glad we are friends.