Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quiet Time Bottle

I am always looking for things to keep my daughter entertained at church that aren't super noisy. We made this together and brought it with us to church and it worked for a little while.  I've also heard of people making quiet bottles for when they send their child to time-out.  The good news is that they are really easy and cheap to make so if they don't work as well as you'd hoped, you aren't out a ton of money.

To make the quiet time bottle, use an empty water bottle and fill it with things like buttons, pom poms, beads, cheap ribbon, etc.  The buttons will fall while the pom poms float so it makes it more entertaining for kids to watch as they tip it back and forth.
 After you've finished filling it with your items, fill your bottle with water, or baby oil.  The baby oil will make every thing move in slowmotion which is fun.  Then put the lid on tight.  Now use hot glue to seal up the lid all around.  That way they can't open the bottle and make a big mess.  You could also use super glue on the inside of the cap.  I couldn't find my super glue at the time so I just stuck with the hot glue on the outside.

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